Title: Wandering at the Exit of Deity
Medium: Digital VR Interactive Film
Dimension: ~5 minutes
Wandering at the Exit of Deity is a VR interactive film of a fiction world, environment simulated in real-time with customized compute shader effects. Stylished characters in mix of hyper-realistic and 2D. Explored non-linear story-telling and player interactivity. Made with Blender, Substance, MD, UE5. Presented at SAT Dome Montreal and Printemps numérique MTL Connect.
It was produced during CO/CREATE 2024 residency @WorldCreationStudio.
The world consists of numerous jelly-like living units which are maintained by Deity, by transitting neural harmonizing atoms through dirac sea. In each unit lives 1 transhuman w/ a data nutrition mask. In a unit, the device was glitched, BetaE (the stand-in avatar) starts to see the hyperrealistic form of them from the past, who they chose to save in the time-space cache before they entered the harmonized unit.
Credit: Noah Sherrin sound artist.